Monday, December 27, 2010

When One Door Closes, Another Open Up

There was this one person I know who just lost his job. I was not sure to feel happy or sorry for him actually. Not that, I hate him and I love to see him out of jobs, but the company in which he was working treated him badly. He always stressed out, being threatened of losing his position if he does not fulfill certain standard. By certain standard, I mean ridiculous, because the company invests or help him almost nada in anyway to make those goals reachable. Stressing out a lot for getting ultimatum basically. So, when something happened and he was fired. I said nothing. I was secretly hoping that this would open up his eyes to opportunities around him. The job pays average, anyways. I just said I knew your capability, so I think you would be able to find a better job. But, guess what, he insisted to get back into the company. Somehow, he got re-hired.
Well, I don't know, I mean, I know you need a job that pays you, but what all those mean when you have to live under a lot of fear? It is scary to be out of job, but sometimes it is the only way for you to re-evaluate your decision, your choices. It does not always mean a bad thing. People need money, I get it. Denying the importance of it in daily lives is absurd and naive. But, you don't have to sell your soul to the devil, in my opinion.
In a bigger picture, I see that some people (maybe including me) prefer to be in a situation that are familiar, although it might means miserable, rather than jumping into something new, that who knows lead to something great. Some girls would stay in an abusive relationship, for they are convinced that nobody else would love them better than the current guys. As an outsider, it is easy for us to say: oh, you need to get out from this, blablabla. But, it is something in the back of people's mind that they feared to step out of the comfort zone. It is humane, and totally understandable.
But, pointing this fact out, I hope we would learn to see that all those are actually just us getting too scared og trying new things. Therefore, if at one point, we ever find ourselves in a not-so-happy point, maybe it is time to see if something gotta go, or change.
As the new year approaching, I hope, ooops no, I know we have a great and better days ahead of us! Stay positive. :D

"Champions are propelled by desire, not compelled by fear." - Denis Waitley