Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dream is One Thing; Reality is Another

These days I've hooked on Taiwanese dramas. It is extremely bizarre, since I had never been in touch with any Asian movies/ TV shows or music for the last 4 years. I think I started to explore it again because of one of my friends said that she likes to watch some Korean dramas on this site, called mysoju.com. Out of curiosity, I went to that website, and GOSH!! it's like a crazy website. They have ALL (well almost all I guess) Asian movies and TV shows. CRAZY!
I usually watch American TV shows, so I think this was gonna be a refreshing thing.
Ok, so I like this one Taiwanese actress, Ella Chen. She seems like a funny, bubbly person. I think she is kind of person you want to be friend with. I watched most of the dramas that she was on.
Anyways, from the last time I watched these kind of TV shows, back in 2005/6, the plot hasn't changed. Here's how it goes:
There's this one innocent-pitiful-likeable girl has a crush on a-super-cool-out-of-your-league kinda guy. How hard it is to win his heart, and then come along another dude who pursues the girl and another girl who competes to win the supercool guy. Then the supercool guy realized that he falls for the pitiful girl. He can't just say it to her for whatever reason. They have to go through a long painful process just to be together. Dramatic, but a happy-ending.
With a little bit of twist and change of actors and actress, but the plot is like damn fixed!
I watch the shows only when I like the actors/actress, but if not then forget it. Sometimes I am so bored up to the point that I want to scream or cry. Seriously from the first episode, I know right away what is going to happen next and after that and how it is gonna end. It is that predictable!! AAAAAAAHHH.....!!!
There's one thing that I like and I hate about Asian TV shows: It is a fairytale.
They always picture that if you set your heart into it, you're eventually gonna get it. It's love life in particular. If you don't give up on pursuing the man of your dream, he's gonna fall for you.
Still related to that, it's the notion that: the "soulmate" or "your true love" who loves you no matter what. S/he loves you despite...(fill in the blank.. -you hurt him/her badly, you are a jerk, or good-at-nothing, etc-.)
In my opinion, those are LIES.
As much as I do not like spreading negativity, but I really think that this kind of lies actually make people even more disappointed or frustated with their own realities. Feeding people lies just make them to feel that if they are not in the "ideal" situation, they are failed in life.
They always picture this ideal soul-mate who treasure you like some kind of god/goddess/whatever.
On this matter, I think American shows picture a more realistic condition. You might be hurt because s/he is with someone else, or your partner might cheat on you, or do not treat you well. That is how I see the circumstances that majority of people are in.
However, all kind of medias always have this ideal element. Look at advertisement, like BMW, TV shows, like Gossip Girls.
It is really funny and sad when I see people who try so hard to live the "Gossip Girl life."
People are dictated to posses certain things, to be like this model or that actress, etc. They are trying to make you feel miserable if you are not up to that standard.
We have to be a wise consumer. Remember that: WE can define our own perfect life, our own standard of beauty, our own standard of worthiness. Keep that in mind, and you take all those lies as not more than just entertainment values.
It is your choice to be or not to be dictated.

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